Mission : Portoflio 3.0
The Cyber slayers are dedicated to talented and busy artists, who need a portfolio and dream of a customized website.
Created by experts
This project is initiated by Audrey Belaud.
* 5 years+ experience in building websites
* Temporary moderator on LayTheme forum
* Specialized in customization : HTML & CSS & JavaScript
Her vision you can trust
* Co-creator of Nathex.earth Festival
She hired 50 artists through their portfolio website.
Kleukens Fraktur font
©Jules Durant
Logotype design
© S1m0c3ll0
All Services can be provided
✦ Art direction & Web Design
✦ Development on WordPress + coded effects
✦ Online setup & Maintenance
✦ Workshops
Mission: Portfolio 3.0
✦ I am dedicated to talented and busy artists,
who need a portfolio and dream of a customized website
✦ I have 5 years+ of experience in building websites
✦ I love seeing my clients feel proud
That's why I create websites
When I have too many requests, I share the work
with my Queens: We are the CyberSlayers
Sign up to be informed of the coming workshops
©CyberSlayers 2023
All Services can be provided
✦ Web design
✦ Development : WordPress +
Html & CSS & JavaScript
✦ Online setup & Maintenance
✦ Workshops
Mission : Portoflio 3.0
✦ I am dedicated to artists who need
a portfolio and dream of
a customized website
✦ 6 years + experience in websites
✦ I love seeing my clients feel proud
When I have too many requests
I share the work with my Queens.
We are the
Sign up to be informed of the coming workshops
©CyberSlayers 2023